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Streamline Note-Taking with Fleeting Notes and Obsidian Link Suggestions

As someone who uses Obsidian, I understand how difficult it can be to take quick notes on the go without losing your focus on the task at hand. That's why I created Fleeting Notes, a scratchpad that automatically syncs with your Obsidian vault. Recently, I added a new feature that has proven to be incredibly useful: the ability to sync your Obsidian links with Fleeting Notes. This means that any link suggestions within Fleeting Notes will match the links in your vault, making it easier to conne
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A Personal Update: Feb 15, 2022

Nurturing Current Users vs Acquiring New Users As an entrepreneur, I've always been focused on acquiring new users and expanding my reach, but it's only recently that I've realized the importance of taking care of the people who are already using my app. The idea of marketing being more like farming than hunting, which I came across in "The 1-Page Marketing Plan" book, has really hit home for me. It's made me see that I need to shift my focus to nurturing my existing relationships to build a st
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How I take Fleeting Notes with Obsidian

I get a lot of questions asking how I process Fleeting Notes once they land in Obsidian. There are many ways to approach this but here's the best method I found for myself. 1. Setup Obsidian sync with Fleeting Notes 1. Install the Obsidian Dataview plugin 1. Enable the Daily Notes plugin in the Obsidian settings (Also, check out how I use daily notes in Obsidian) 1. Create a template file for the daily notes, and add the path of the file to the Template file location 1. Here's the template I us
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My journey towards a new user interface

One thing I learned from building a new UI is that it's not possible to build a UI in one go and have it deployed to the user. The reason being that major UI changes forces users to relearn the user interface making for a bad experience. So, as much as I wish to throw the new UI out there immediately, I'll need to go through multiple stages of internal / beta testing before I put it out in the wild. When I first tried to design a UI by myself I had a grand plan to completely re-work my way, but
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Embracing the Future: My Journey with Open Sourcing a Note-taking app

open-sourcing-github.png Today, I want to share with you my journey and decision to open source my note-taking app, Fleeting Notes. Open sourcing an app is a big step and it can be difficult to let go of control and trust that others will use and improve upon your work in a positive way. But as I've come to realize, trust is a two-way street. If I want others to trust my work, I need to be willing to trust them in return. And that's exactly why I've decided to open source Fleeting Notes. In th
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How I Publish Obsidian Notes for my Landing Page (Next.JS & Tailwind CSS)

I wanted to create a website for Fleeting Notes that reflected the interconnected nature of Obsidian, with bi-directional links and interlinked blog posts. However, I struggled to find a platform that met all my requirements: * Support for Obsidian's ![[]] syntax and other basic markdown * Customization using ReactJS * A straightforward publishing process. That's why I built my own system using Next.JS and Tailwind CSS. My ultimate goal was to be able to publish my notes from an Obsidian Vault
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