connecting ideas is powerful

  • encourages you to revisit old ideas and improves learningconnecting ideas improves learningAccording to Bloom's Taxonomy, we need to draw connections between ideas in order to fully understand the material on the whole. This is the case because the brain is a network of ideas,draw%20connections%20between%20ideas,-%2C%20utilize%20critical%20thinking.
  • helps you discover new ideas through connections.
  • allows you to reuse your ideas in a different contextinteroperable components are efficientBecause interoperabile components are self-contained, they can be reused in different situations and are easily maintainable (changing one, updates all). Related: notes/reuse code for efficiency and maintainability.

Related: notes/the brain is a network of ideasthe brain is a network of ideasOur work through a network of neurons and these connections are strengthened based on the use which is why if you dont use it, you lose it.,over%20multiple%20scales%20of%20time


ZettelkastenThis is a unique note organization method that functions in a similar vein to a brain—through the connection of ideas. It is proven to promote learning and isn’t restricted by any hierarchical structure. As a result, note discovery is as simple as “following a train of thought”. Also see the two principles of zettelkastenconnecting ideas is funOn top of being powerful, it is fun to connect ideas because we gain new insights from making connections and our brains function through connections.having more connections is betterWith more connections, it makes it easier to traverse from one idea to another one. It's like comparing roads in a city versus roads in the countryside. That being said, the links need to be useful.photocopying items doesnt help with learningwhen you copy something it doesn't help with learning because we aren't making the connections to our brains. connecting ideas is powerfultwo principles of zettelkastenPrinciple of Atomicity**: Limit notes to a single topic for interoperability * See How to create useful links Principle of Connectivity**: Connect information together to Build Connections in Obsidian (1 MINUTE)So you've built a fantastic note-taking workflow but now you have some questions about connections like: * Why do I want to connect notes? * When do I create links or notes? * How do I title notes? In the next minute, I'll answer all of these questions and provide a process for creating and connecting notes. This workflow is heavily inspired by the Zettelkasten method. Why do I want to connect notes? * It allows us to: * Reuse notes in different context * Resurface past content which reiHow to Create Useful Links with ZettelkastenThe linking feature of Zettelkasten is one of its most defining features, yet, it's the least understood. Linking ideas should be natural for us, but a lifetime of organization with the tree structure has made it difficult to adopt this new form of organization. To make links useful, we'll need to unlearn our old habits. This is an entire paradigm shift, so don't expect it to be easy. Don't group things, connect them The biggest mistake—and one I've made myself—is linking with categories. In oHow to optimize note-taking for retentionIn the world of marketing, retaining users is often more valuable than attaining users. The same could be said about knowledge. It's often more valuable to retain knowledge rather than acquire new knowledge. But thanks to content overload from the internet, we're constantly bombarded with new information from various sources. It's difficult for us to retain knowledge when we're constantly acquiring new knowledge. The solution to this problem is simple—regularly review past concepts. The issue mPut quick notes into Obsidian from anywhereI was browsing the Obsidian Reddit and noticed posts asking about workflows on how to get quick notes from different devices into Obsidian. To list a few: * What do you use to quickly save notes to Obsidian on your Android device? * Quick add note from Android * iOS share sheet for links? * Any additional app for fleeting ideas? The problem with quick notes It seems like Obsidian isn't a great tool for capturing quick notes. In addition, people also seem to be divided on their solution to putSharing Connected Notes - Fleeting Notes x ObsidianConnected notes are powerful. They allow you to expand upon different ideas within its own context and make it easy reuse notes. There exists Obsidian publish but this service is gated by a paywall and is geared towards content creators. Sometimes we want to share a note (+ all the links within the note) without the hassle of setting up a website or paying a monthly fee. Some example use cases include: * explaining a concept to a friend * sharing notes for a particular class * showcasing the cLearn Zettelkasten by Example #1: The Collector's FallacyIntro Blurb I've talked a lot about how Zettelkasten is complicated but I've never dove deeper into exactly how I use Zettelkasten to take notes. In order to lead by example, every week, I will read an article and take connected notes. Hopefully, this process can give you ideas about how to improve your Zettelkasten workflow. Also, feel free to suggest articles you want me to read next week. My Notes Article Link: * I collect things mainly beZettelkasten shouldn't be complicated, but it is.Zettelkasten is Complicated There are a lot of things I like about Zettelkasten, but one thing I don't like is how complicated it is to set up. According to the building blocks of Zettelkasten blog post, a typical Zettelkasten system consists of an inbox, an archive, and a reference database. Inbox**: the gateway into your knowledge system (e.g. Google Notes, Email, Apple Notes, etc.) Archive**: the one, trusted place to look for information (e.g. Obsidian, Roam Research, etc.) Reference Data