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How to process Fleeting Notes in Obsidian

For many, an important part of taking quick notes is to be able to process those quick notes in the future. As of v0.2.2 of the "Fleeting Notes Sync" obsidian plugin, I've added a simple command to "Insert all unprocessed notes". This commands inserts a checklist of unprocessed notes as references. Once an item is checked, the note will be processed. Then, future command runs will produce a checklist without the processed note. Here is a video of me processing Fleeting Notes: https://www.yout
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Imagine Google Keep with Bi-directional Sync to Obsidian

Taking quick notes Obsidian isn't great for quick notes. There's additional friction in taking quick notes especially on the mobile app. But, the plugin architecture and backlink support make Obsidian a powerful note-taking tool that's customizable to one's needs. On the other hand, Google Keep is a great note-taking application for jotting quick notes. However, it lacks backlink support and is not nearly as customizable as Obsidian. Each serve it's own purpose, but there's a great opportunit
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Sharing Connected Notes - Fleeting Notes x Obsidian

Connected notes are powerful. They allow you to expand upon different ideas within its own context and make it easy reuse notes. There exists Obsidian publish but this service is gated by a paywall and is geared towards content creators. Sometimes we want to share a note (+ all the links within the note) without the hassle of setting up a website or paying a monthly fee. Some example use cases include: * explaining a concept to a friend * sharing notes for a particular class * showcasing the c
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How AI-Powered Link Suggestions Supercharge Note-taking

An essential part of connecting notes is to find a note that needs to be connected. But there are many times when I forget I've made a link. Thus, I either spend a lot of time finding the relevant note or create a note with a title similar to a note I've already made. So, when creating Fleeting Notes (A wiki for quick notes), I felt it was paramount to make finding past notes fast and efficient. The solution I've settled on is to order the links by relevance when link suggestions are triggered
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Learn Zettelkasten by Example #3: New Note or Not

Intro Blurb In this post, I write fleeting notes on an article titled "When Should You Start a New Note?". This article gives tips on when to create a note and when to use an existing note. Hopefully, this process can give you ideas about how to improve your Zettelkasten workflow My Notes Article Link: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/when-start-new-note/ * sometimes it's difficult to know whether to create a new note or append an existing note. And that can stop note-taking entirely because th
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Put quick notes into Obsidian from anywhere

I was browsing the Obsidian Reddit and noticed posts asking about workflows on how to get quick notes from different devices into Obsidian. To list a few: * What do you use to quickly save notes to Obsidian on your Android device? * Quick add note from Android * iOS share sheet for links? * Any additional app for fleeting ideas? The problem with quick notes It seems like Obsidian isn't a great tool for capturing quick notes. In addition, people also seem to be divided on their solution to put
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