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Zettelkasten shouldn't be complicated, but it is.

Zettelkasten is Complicated There are a lot of things I like about Zettelkasten, but one thing I don't like is how complicated it is to set up. According to the building blocks of Zettelkasten blog post, a typical Zettelkasten system consists of an inbox, an archive, and a reference database. Inbox**: the gateway into your knowledge system (e.g. Google Notes, Email, Apple Notes, etc.) Archive**: the one, trusted place to look for information (e.g. Obsidian, Roam Research, etc.) Reference Data
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How to Sync Fleeting Notes with Obsidian

Fleeting Notes is a separate network of notes outside of Obsidian. The goal of this plugin sync both these networks of notes into one! Below are step-by-step instructions on how to do this. Also, checkout my youtube video if you like that format better. Installation / Setup 1. Before you begin, you'll need to create an account in the Fleeting Notes App. You can do this by navigating to the settings and registering. Fleeting Notes authentication form 1. Go to Settings > Community Plugin an
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The Totally Unnecessary Way To Write Quick Notes in Obsidian

Writing Quick Notes in Obsidian When using Obsidian I know that having more connections is better. So I often take it upon myself to use Obsidian for everything. Thanks to the plugin system provided by Obsidian, it personalizes the way I use Obsidian and allowed me to do many things that would otherwise be impractical (e.g. getting my TODOs from Todoist). But even with this customizability, sometimes Obsidian just isn't the right tool for the job. One example is writing quick notes into Obsidia
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Confused On How To Manage Your Notes? Try This Simple Workflow.

If you ever took notes on an article, video, or podcast and had no idea do with it, you're in the right place. Many existing solutions suggest adding tags, and creating many layers of nested folders. But oftentimes we find ourselves with folders with too many files or tags with too few members. The fault isn't in the person but in the note-taking system itself. My goal is to create a simple workflow where the content of the note organizes the note. This effectively eliminates the third step whe
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The New Way To Write Connected and Personalized Blogs

So originally my blog was hosted on https://thinkwong.com. It used WordPress which was good for typical blogging, but I wanted more than that. I wanted to demonstrate the effectiveness of connected notes and the best way to do that was to lead by example. Hence, I created a website with Jekyll using a digital garden template. And because interoperable components are efficient I write less while providing more value. Since content is condensed into atomic bits, I can create highly personalized b
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