๐Ÿ—ž Fleeting Notes - My Content Creation Workflow!

Here's the latest edition of my bi-weekly newsletter.

  • Finished more stuff you requested. I've been tackling more features and bug requests directly from your feedback. Although I'd still love to hear more!
  • My content creation workflow. How I setup my content creation pipeline which can be useful on how you shape yours.
  • Personal Update: I've finally come to narrow down the value in Fleeting Notes and with your feedback I will drive the development forward.

What's new and what's to come

So thank you to the people that setup a call with me. I got lots of great insights from the calls and I'm ready to improve the app more.

Released / In the next Release

  • New settings screen: I'm adding a lot of configuration to be able to capture exactly the way you like it. This clutters the settings screen and so I'm planning on updating the UI for the settings.
  • Plugin selector: Now you can select which plugins you want to use all within the app!
  • Preview markdown: Now you can toggle a markdown preview to see what your notes will look like in markdown!
  • Updated settings page: As more customization options were being added, the settings page was getting cluttered. With this change, the settings screen is more usable.


For full details, on what I'm working on checkout the roadmap

My Content Creation Workflow

Today, I'm thrilled to pull back the curtain and give you a glimpse into my creative process. I'll walk you through how I create content using my own creation, the Fleeting Notes app. My hope is that this might just shed some light on how you could shape your note-taking habits. So let's dive in!

A Brief on My Workflow

Everything starts with Fleeting Notes. Whenever an idea pops into my head, I open the Fleeting Notes app and quickly jot it down, making sure to add a tag. It's like capturing butterflies of inspiration before they flutter away!

What makes it even more awesome is the synchronization setup with ObsidianHow to Sync Fleeting Notes with ObsidianFleeting Notes is a separate network of notes outside of Obsidian. The goal of this plugin sync both these networks of notes into one! Below are step-by-step instructions on how to do this. Also, checkout my youtube video if you like that format better. Installation / Setup 1. Before you begin, you'll need to create an account in the Fleeting Notes App. You can do this by navigating to the settings and registering. Fleeting Notes authentication form 1. Go to Settings > Community Plugin an. My notes from Fleeting Notes seamlessly sync with Obsidian, ensuring my thoughts are always accessible and organized.

When it's time to create some content, I just take a glance at my dashboard. It's like my mission control center, filled with a collection of dataview queries showing me which tasks need to be tackled. Once I finish a task and check it off, the 2-way sync magic happens, and voila, it's automatically checked off in Fleeting Notes too. Here's an example of what one of my dataview query looks:

FROM "FleetingNotesApp"
WHERE !completed

The above query captures all uncompleted tasks created tasks within my Fleeting Notes. In here I typically put all my content ideas. I mark it as completed once I created the content.

Crafting the Content

Next up is the writing process. Picture my Obsidian as a well-sorted library. I have multiple folders, each representing a different type of content:

  • docs: These are my go-to instruction manuals, step-by-step guides on how to do something.
  • newsletters: Bi-weekly missives that I dispatch to my eager readers.
  • posts: Where my blog post masterpieces reside.
  • attachments: The storage spot for images or PDF files that I attach to notes.

When it's time to publish something, I create the file in the appropriate folder. As I write, I'm constantly on the lookout for potential atomic notes. If a piece of content can be repurposed in another blog, docs, or newsletter, I ensure that I add a header to the content so that it can be referenced using headers.

Note: Sometimes I'll write a newsletter, use the note refactor feature, and boom โ€” it's also a shiny new blog post!

Publishing the Content

Now, you must be wondering how I go about publishing my content. Well, after trying many solutions and even creating my own, I've found a sweet spot with the new update on Obsidian Publish. It offers graph view, customizations, SEO, and much more, which makes it pretty darn convenient.

However, if you're a customization enthusiast and enjoy the challenge of creating your own blog from scratch, I'd highly recommend going for obsidian-digital-garden. Yes, the setup is a bit more complicated, but it offers fantastic customization options and is free!

At the end of the day, with Obsidian Publish, you're paying for convenience. But remember, convenience is not a one-size-fits-all thing, and there's a certain joy in building something that's entirely your own.

So there you have it, my note-taking to content creation workflow! If there's one thing I hope you take away, it's that note-taking can be flexible, personalized, and even fun. Whether you use Fleeting Notes or not, I hope this has given you some food for thought.

Personal Update

Firstly, I just want to extend a massive shoutout to you all. The feedback I've received so far has been incredibly valuable. I mean, seriously, you guys are rockstars! Your insights have not only been pivotal in improving Fleeting Notes but also in guiding its future direction. So, keep those suggestions coming, my virtual door is always open.

On the topic of conversations, they have been incredible! The dialogues I've had with so many of you have been enlightening, insightful, and downright fun. It's like we're a tight-knit family of passionate note-takers trying to create the best app together. I am learning so much from you all, and one thing is clear: the focus of Fleeting Notes has to remain on creating a simple, intuitive user interface that minimizes the number of interactions and integrates seamlessly into your workflow.

The power to shape the future of Fleeting Notes is, literally, in your hands. I'm all ears for your suggestions, and I am genuinely excited to use your input to sculpt an outstanding user experience.

On a final note, if you want to chat more about anything and everything Fleeting Notes, I am here. Do you have some suggestions you want to discuss? Or maybe you have an idea for a new feature that's been keeping you up at night? Whatever it is, feel free to schedule a meeting with me. I'd absolutely love to hear more from you in person!